18 November 2008

my brilliant city council

wcbstv.com - Warning Suburbanites: NYC Council Wants Your Money

here's the money quote:

"As New York City's budget director I'm always eager for money we don't
have to pay for that we can spend and the commute tax, if we could get
it back, fits that," Page said.

I'm always eager for money we don't have to pay for ...

This is the brilliant leadership that I have so been craving.  When you start confiscating people's money, they change their behavior.  Why do people understand this on a personal level (happy hour??? half price drinks??? ... I think I'll have another) but not on a macroeconomic level?  When you lower the penalty for success, you'll have more success.

The City Council of New York are pineapples ... yes ... large juicy tropical fruits.

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