rutabaga vs. turnip
*Were you looking for: how to get people to eat your soup without being turned off by the word "turnip"?
what's the difference between a rutabaga and a turnip?
*Did anyone tell you that: that soup was pretty good?
yes they did. I just want to know if there's an official difference between a turnip and a rutabaga
*Frank thinks you should call it: cream of vegetable soup
there is no cream in the soup. It just has a creamy texture.
*Then why are you calling it: a cream soup?
I'm not, Frank is. I called it RUTABAGA BISQUE
*There's no need: TO SHOUT!
I'm going to Yahoo to get some real answers
*I don't think so: Scooter
You have performed an illegal operation and this program must close....
fight plagarism. hat tip: WuzzaDem